Gary Hanmer
The Disciplinary Panel of the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) held an enquiry on 15 December 2016 to consider whether or not Gary Hanmer, a licensed trainer, had committed a breach of Rule (C)17 of the Rules of Racing, in respect of his failure to notify the Racing Calendar Office, by noon 5 days before the horse’s next run, that ORO REBELDE had been gelded. The matter was first identified by an official at Doncaster Racecourse on 26 November 2016 prior to the horse running.
Prior to the enquiry, Mr Hanmer had agreed that the matter could be heard in his absence. Also, Mr Hanmer and the BHA had agreed that they had no objection to the Panel members sitting. The BHA’s case was presented by Lauren Robinson.
Having considered the evidence, the Panel found Mr Hanmer in breach of Rule (C)17 and fined him £200.
Notes to Editors:
1. The Panel for the enquiry was: William Barlow (Chair), Lucinda Cavendish, Edward Dorrell