Mental health

The BHA recognises the responsibility to the workforce and the communities that it operates in and is committed to raising awareness around mental health, both internally and amongst stakeholders.

British Horseracing aims to support its participants and enhance their health and wellbeing through a variety of welfare services and specialist facilities.

We work closely with partners to communicate the good work already going on in this area, lead and support the development of new initiatives and take action across the 6 key areas of Mental Health in the Sport and Recreation Charter. As part of this action, the BHA has appointed the mental health charity Mind as an advisory body to assist the sport achieving its commitments in this area.

Our commitment

Every year, one-in-four of us will experience a mental health problem. Yet it is still something the majority of us are loath to talk about or address.
In recognition of this and under the key objective of ‘looking after our people’, the BHA has signed the Mental Health in Sport and Recreation Charter to raise awareness of mental health issues and highlight the support services that are available to participants of British Horseracing.

The Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation, which was created by Sport and Recreation Alliance alongside the Professional Players Federation and the mental health charity Mind sets out how sport can use its collective power to tackle mental ill health and the stigma that surrounds it.

The Charter outlines six actions that we, as a sector, can take to help make mental health a commonly understood matter and to help those in need.

We will:
• Use the power of sport and recreation to promote wellbeing, with a special focus on encouraging physical activity and social interaction for their contribution to good mental health.

• Publicly promote and adopt good mental health policies and best practice within our sports and recreational activities.

• Promote positive public health messages using diverse role models and ambassadors to reduce the stigma attached to mental health problems.

• Actively tackle discrimination on the grounds of mental health to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

• Support the establishment of a pan-sport platform to work closely with the mental health sector to develop and share networks, resources and best practice.

• Regularly monitor our performance, assess progress and take positive action on mental health issues.

BHA Vision:  “Together we will build a brighter future for our sport, our horses and our people.”

Other organisations in racing that have signed the charter include, Racing Welfare, The Profesional Jockeys Association, National Association of Racing Staff and The National Trainers Federation 

Read HERE for more information on the BHA’s commitment to help tackle mental issues in racing.
