The BHB and Weatherbys have announced the introduction of a significant new administration service utilising the Internet, aimed initially at trainers but over time to extend to all those involved in day to day racing administration. Developed as a joint venture, the initial phase, launched today, will concentrate on the timely provision of pre-race information – entries, jockey bookings, ratings, etc. However, there is also the facility to check the availability of horse names and to reserve available names. Shortly, this interactive capability will be extended to offer on-line jockey bookings. Phase Three will see trainers making their returns of the horses in their care over the Internet, together with their entries and declarations. Ultimately all administrative transactions will be accommodated.
Mr. Paul Greeves, Racing Director at BHB, said:
“”This is the first step down a significant road for BHB’s customers. Working with Weatherbys we are setting out to change the basis of Racing’s administrative systems. We will move away from conventional operations onto electronic Internet based systems. We intend to work closely with all involved to ensure that they can utilise and enjoy the most modern operational systems available.””
Dr. Paull Khan, Weatherbys’ Director of Racing and Banking, added:
“”We believe we already offer the best central administrative service in world racing, but communications with our customers are based, in the main, around the traditional technologies of phone, mail and fax. Now, we sense there is an appetite and enthusiasm amongst trainers for the Internet and the time has come to offer that alternative. Racing will benefit from increased cost-efficiency and trainers will find greater flexibility and convenience.””
The site is only available to a closed-user group. Invitations to join have been sent from Weatherbys to all trainers.
For further information, contact: Paul Greeves on 0171-343-3306 or Paull Khan on 01933 440077 / 0860 253910