What is the role of an Equine Welfare Integrity Officer (EWIO)

01 May 14

EWIOs, who work in teams, are responsible for the security and Integrity of the stable yard, and the monitoring of horse welfare at race meetings.

Basic duties include – the identification of all horses and persons entering the stable yard; the monitoring of horses as they arrive on course for any health or welfare issues; the checking of vaccination records of selected horses.

Scan / check out all horses pre-race, to ensure the right horses are going out to run in the right race.

Monitor and report back to the Veterinary Officer any Welfare observations post-race.

Carry out the collection of Anti-doping samples, pre and post race which will be analysed for prohibited substances; the checking of horses post race for any signs that give concern as to their welfare, or relevant details in regard to race performance.

The EWIO will also in the course of the day gather information that may assist in the regulation and good governance of racing.

In addition to the EWIO Raceday role, they will carry out duties at Point to Points, Out of Competition testing at Training Stables, and the Center of Racehorse Studies. Also assist with ‘off Course’ Integrity operations.