(C) – Chair
BHA – British Horseracing Authority representative
TG – Thoroughbred Group representative
NTF – National Trainers Federation representative
PJA – Professional Jockeys Association representative
RCA – Racecourse Association representative
ROA – Racehorse Owners Association representative
TBA – Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association representative
BHA Committees
Commercial Committee
The Commercial Committee oversees the work of the Fixtures and Funding Group, Racing Group and Gambling Strategy Group and contributes to the development of areas of the Industry Strategy with a commercial focus, including the racing product, promotion of the sport and initiatives regarding key stakeholders such as owners and bettors.
The Commercial Committee meets monthly and is comprised of the following members:
David Jones (C), BHA regulatory INED
Brant Dunshea, BHA Acting Chief Executive Officer
Richard Wayman, BHA Chief Operating Officer
David Armstrong, RCA Chief Executive
Martin Cruddace, ARC Chief Executive
Nevin Truesdale, Jockey Club Chief Executive
Alex Eade, as representative of the large independent racecourses
Jonjo Sanderson, as representative of the small independent racecourses
Claire Sheppard, TBA Chief Executive
Paul Johnson, NTF Chief Executive
Louise Norman, ROA Chief Executive
Paul Struthers, PJA Chief Executive
George McGrath, NARS Chief Executive
Integrity and Regulation Committee
The Integrity and Regulation Committee is a committee of three parts covering:
1.Integrity Advisory Section – to provide strategic advice to the Executive and make recommendations to the Board on integrity related matters.
2. Rules Section – to consider and agree, alter, or reject proposed modifications to the Rules of Racing and BHA General Instructions (BHAGIs) and associated penalties / penalty guidance.
3. Regulation Section – to consider other strategic regulatory matters.
The Committee is comprises of the following members:
Raj Parker (C), BHA regulatory INED
David Jones, BHA regulatory INED
Brant Dunshea, BHA Acting Chief Executive Officer
Patrick Russell, Independent Disciplinary Officer (section 1 only)
Adrian Grazebrook, independent (section 2 only)
Camilla Dutton, independent (section 2 only)
James Given, BHA Director of Equine Regulation, Safety and Welfare (section 3 only)
TG nominee, agenda dependent (section 3 only)
RCA nominee, agenda dependent (section 3 only)
Industry Programme Group
The Industry Programme Group contributes to the formulation and development of the following areas of Industry Strategy: horse welfare, industry people, equality, diversity and inclusion, corporate social responsibility, social licence and environmental sustainability. The Group also acts as a gateway for funding submissions from industry steering groups to the Racing Foundation, Horserace Betting Levy Board, DCMS and/or other government agencies.
The Group meets at least six times a year and is comprised of the following members:
Alison Enticknap (C), BHA Director of Strategy and Change
Brant Dunshea, BHA Acting Chief Executive Officer
Caroline Davies, RCA representative
Ian Renton, RCA representative
Mark Spincer, RCA representative
Louise Norman, Owners, Breeders & Licensed Personnel representative
Claire Sheppard, Owners, Breeders & Licensed Personnel representative
Paul Johnson, Owners, Breeders & Licensed Personnel representative
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee meets twice per year with the BHA’s external auditors, BDO LLP, to ensure the integrity of the BHA’s financial statements.
The Audit Committee reports to the BHA Board.
David Jones (T/Chair)
David Armstrong – RCA, appointed by BHA Members
Charlie Parker – TG, appointed by BHA Members
Tara Warren – BHA
People & Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee meets twice per year to determine the framework and policy on terms of engagement (including remuneration) of the directors and senior management of the Company and the specific remuneration of each executive director.
The Remuneration Committee reports to the BHA Board.
David Jones
Tara Warren
Raj Parker
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee meets on an ad hoc basis to make recommendations to the Board on suitable candidates for appointment to the Board and the role of Chief Executive.
The Nominations Committee reports to the BHA Board.
Joe Saumarez Smith (C)
Wilf Walsh – RCA, appointed by the RCA
Charlie Parker – TG, appointed by horsemen
David Jones
Raj Parker
Flat Pattern Committee
The Flat Pattern Committee advises and makes recommendations to the BHA Board on matters relating to maintaining and improving the programme of Flat Pattern and Listed races.
The overarching remit of the Committee is to foster a framework of Pattern and Listed races, over a range of distances, within which the breeding of quality bloodstock and the progression of the thoroughbred are stimulated. In addition, the Committee needs to have due regard to the Ground Rules of the European Pattern Committee.
Members are appointed by the Board for their personal knowledge of and expertise in the areas within the Terms of Reference of the Committee, and are therefore appointed as individuals, not to represent any particular stakeholder or group.
The Flat Pattern Committee meets at least twice per year and reports to the BHA Board.
Lydia Hislop (C)
Emma Berry
Gina Bryce
Simon Crisford
William Haggas
Richard Norris
Rishi Persad
Maddy Playle
Ruth Quinn
Julian Richmond-Watson
Nick Smith
Nicholas Wrigley
Jump Pattern Committee
The Jump Pattern Committee advises and makes recommendations to the BHA Board on matters relating to maintaining and improving the programme of Jump Pattern and Listed races.
The overarching remit of the Committee is to foster a framework of Pattern and Listed races, over an appropriate range of distances, to test the best Jumping horses over Steeple Chases, Hurdles races and National Hunt Flat races, whilst also having consideration of the race programme generally with regard to the progression of the best horses, and the effect that any implemented recommendations may have on the progression of the breed.
Members are appointed by the Board for their personal knowledge of and expertise in the areas within the Terms of Reference of the Committee, and are therefore appointed as individuals, not to represent any particular stakeholder or group.
The Jump Pattern Committee meets at least twice per year and reports to the BHA Board.
Hopper Cavendish (C)
Simon Clare
David Cleary
Simon Cox
Harry Fry
Sam Hoskins
Lee Mottershead
Amy Murphy
Paul Nicholls
Richard Norris
Ruth Quinn
Vanessa Ryle
Racing Committee
The Racing Committee has responsibility for matters relating to fixtures, race planning and handicapping. It also develops proposals relating to the central funding of fixtures for presentation to the Levy Board. In some cases, decisions taken by the Racing Committee proceed straight to implementation. On more strategic matters, the Commercial Committee finalises recommendations prior to them being considered by the BHA Board.
The Group’s voting members are: Richard Wayman (Chair), Ilona Barnett (Small Independents), Tom Byrne (BHA), Ben Cook (ARC), Nick Dartnall (BHA), Rob Davey (TBA), Dale Gibson (PJA). TBC (ROA), Stuart Middleton (BHA), George Noad (NTF), Richard Norris (JCR), Chris Ward (Large Independents).
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee advises the Board on the ethical implications of BHA activities, both in specific issues that may arise in racing and in scientific research that is being conducted and/or funded by the BHA (equine or human).
Prof Mahon O’Brien (C)
Prof Madeleine Campbell
Prof James Burton
Matthew Johnson
Dr Vivienne Tut
Emma Slawinski
Hetta Harris – BRS
James Given – BHA
Catherine Beloff – BHA
Dr Jerry Hill – BHA
BHA Operational Committees
The following Operational Committees work under the auspices of the BHA and assist with both operational and policy matters. Most Operational Committees report into a member of the BHA Executive but the both the Disciplinary Review Group and the Ethics Committee have reporting lines into the Board.
Non-BHA members of the Operational Committees are not remunerated by the BHA, but may claim reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings, in accordance with the BHA expenses policy.
Veterinary Committee
The Veterinary Committee advises on all veterinary matters affecting racing and the health and welfare of racehorses. This includes consideration of anti-doping developments, infectious disease control and surveillance, equine research requirements and welfare developments, specifically those affecting regulation during racing and in post racing careers.
James Given (C) – BHA
Alasdair Topp – Association of Racecourse Veterinary Surgeons
Sally Taylor – BHA
Phil Cramp – British Equine Veterinary Association
Clive Hamblin – NTF
Charlie Pinkham – ROA
Dr Richard Newton – Equine Infectious Disease Specialist
Position vacant – Independent
John Spencer– TBA
Simon Knapp – RCA
Medical Advisory Committee
The Medical Advisory Committee works with the BHA Chief Medical Adviser to develop, approve and implement medical standards and policies on both Licensed and Point to Point racecourses.
Dr Jerry Hill (C) – BHA
Caroline Davies – RCA
Dr Guy Staight – BHA
Dr Iain McNeil – RCA
Dr Peter Johnson – Point-To-Point Authority
Dr Andy Simpson – RCA
Drs Heathcock/Wroe/Worthington/Hewitt – Member of SRMO Advisory Group
Edward Stroud – Injured Jockeys Fund
Dale Gibson – PJA
Racecourse Committee
The Racecourse Committee reviews and recommends policy on all matters relating to a) the on-course professional and participant facilities required and b) the safety measures necessary for the conduct of racing. Particular emphasis is placed on track-related matters and turf management.
The Committee also both considers and approves course-related Research and Development projects funded by a dedicated annual budget.
The scope of the Committee’s considerations does not extend to racecourses’ compliance with legislation or government guidance relating to Public Health and Safety issues, which are wholly the responsibility of racecourse Managing Executives.
Cathy O’Meara (BHA)(Chair)
Caroline Davies (RCA)
Dale Gibson (PJA)
Sally Iggulden (SIR)
Ollie Mann (BHA)
Kate Maxwell (BHA)
George Noad (NTF)
Jon Pullin (JCR)
Advisory Groups
The BHA works closely with a small number of working groups who advise on strategic matters for both the BHA and the sport. Members of Advisory Groups are not remunerated by the BHA, but may claim reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings, in accordance with the BHA expenses policy.
Horseracing Bettors Forum
The Horseracing Bettors Forum is independent of the BHA and represents the perceived interests of those who bet upon, or who might bet upon, British Racing, and to do so in a manner which aims to be to the benefit of both bettors and the sport itself.
The Horseracing Bettors Forum was created in 2015 with the assistance of the BHA.
The Forum meets quarterly. Membership applications are typically invited on an annual basis to serve three-year terms.
More information can be found on the Horseracing Bettors Forum website here.
Sean Trivass (C)
Ben Fellows
Simon Rowlands
George Ryley
Tim Dredge
Tanya Stevenson
Stakeholder Integrity Forum
The Stakeholder Integrity Forum operates as an advisory group to the BHA on integrity matters.
The Stakeholder Integrity Forum provides a means by which the BHA can conduct preliminary high-level consultation and obtain input from the sport in relation to proposed integrity initiatives. The Forum also serves to help identify areas for further improvement and development as far as the integrity of the sport is concerned.
The Forum meets at least twice a year.
Brant Dunshea – BHA
Dawn Bacchus
George McGrath
James Knight
Martin Cruddace
Matt Bisogno
Dale Gibson
Rodi Greene
Tarik Shamel
Diversity in Racing Steering Group
The Diversity in Racing Steering Group works collaboratively to champion and support the industry in its efforts to enhance its diversity and inclusivity.
The Diversity in Racing Steering Group is the sport’s first-ever industry steering group focused on diversity and is led by the BHA on behalf of the sport.
Dr Eleanor Boden (Chair)
Susannah Gill
Gareth Wesley
David Letts
4x Vacant roles
Lucy Atwood (Industry People Board Programme Director)