BHA Update: Equine Influenza

Following temporary changes to the Equine Influenza vaccination requirements earlier this year, we indicated that we would be consulting on changes to the permanent EI vaccination rule prior to the end of 2019.
This notice is to advise that this consultation will now take place in 2020. Until this consultation is complete, the current vaccination requirements for all horses on racecourse property will remain in place.
The current temporary requirements will remain in place for the duration of 2020.
This follows a meeting of the European Horseracing Scientific Liaison Committee (EHSLC) in early October, where proposed changes were agreed by the Committee after considering advice from a number of experts in equine infectious disease. Other European racing jurisdictions will be carrying out similar consultations in 2020, with the aim of achieving harmonised vaccination requirements for racehorses across Europe.
With that in mind, and to provide clarity to owners and trainers, the BHA has decided to maintain the existing requirements until further notice. We will advise you of the consultation process and timings in early 2020.
If you require any further clarification, please contact [email protected]
Summary of Requirements
ALL horses on racecourse property
• Compliant EI vaccination within NINE calendar months* (eight months plus a one-month grace period) of the day of the race.
*Calendar months (e.g. 1 January – 1 October)
N.B. Compliant EI vaccination within twelve calendar months will continue to be acceptable for horses NOT on racecourse property (e.g.) injured horses which are not currently racing
• There is NO requirement to submit information in advance – where necessary, passports will be checked by BHA staff upon entry to the Racecourse
• There is NO requirement to submit a Health Declaration Form or for a nasopharyngeal swab (PCR) to be completed
Equine Events
All equine events will continue to be dealt with on a case by case basis – please note all passports will still require checking in advance by the Racecourse. Applications should be made to Racecourse Operations: [email protected].
Proposed EHSLC harmonised EI vaccination intervals (for 2021, subject to consultation)
The BHA will be carrying out consultations on the EHSLC proposal in 2020, with the aim of achieving harmonised vaccination requirements for racehorses across Europe, to be implemented in 2021. These proposed intervals are outlined in the table below: