Further to the statement jointly issued by the major stakeholder bodies of British horseracing on 14 December 2021, a cross-industry working party has been established with the objective of agreeing an action plan that will pave the way for improving the culture of respect in British Racing. Working Party representatives are set to meet before the end of January to start discussions on the development of a specific action plan. The working group will meet monthly. These meetings will facilitate an important crossindustry discussion that will serve to highlight the positive elements of conduct within our industry and identify via an action plan to how as an industry we can further promote a culture of respect. Amongst the objectives of the working party will be to assist in the communication of the sport’s new Code of Conduct and revised Safeguarding policies – both of which are nearing completion – to ensure they are fully understood and embedded within the sport and achieve their objectives of raising standards of behaviour and conduct. The working party is chaired by the BHA’s Head of Industry Training and Retention Adam Green and includes representatives from all the major stakeholder bodies in British racing: Representatives of the Culture of Respect working party are: British Horseracing Authority (BHA): Adam Green (Head of Industry Training & Retention), Rose Grissell (Head of Diversity), Tomás Nolan (Legal Regulation Advisor), and Emma Rouse (Communications Consultant.) National Trainers Federation (NTF): Paul Johnson (Chief Executive) Professional Jockeys Association (PJA): Dale Gibson (Acting Chief Executive), along with Jockey representatives Page Fuller and Andrew Mullen. National Association of Racing Staff (NARS): George McGrath (Chief Executive) Racehorse Owners Association (ROA): Ruth Diver (Executive Assistant) Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (TBA): Colin Bryce (Laundry Cottage Stud) Racecourse Association (RCA): Paul Swain (Raceday Experience & Communications Manager) Racing Welfare: Simone Sear (Director of Welfare) Independent representative: Dr Eleanor Boden Adam Green, BHA Head of Industry Training and Retention, and Chair of the Culture of Respect Working Party, said: “There has been progress in Racing in recent years towards improving a culture of respect, but it is important that we all acknowledge that there is more to be done. Having been a part of conducting the Code of Conduct consultation across the industry, I am left in no doubt that there is an overwhelming appetite from all quarters to improve the culture of respect and make sure that everybody involved in the sport is supportive of one another. “The working party reflects the commitment from everyone to effect meaningful change for the future of Racing.” Notes to editors: 1. The initial statement regarding the formation of the Culture of Respect Working Party can be found here: British racing unites in commitment around industry conduct – The British Horseracing Authority