Having received the full written reasons from the independent Disciplinary Panel following the hearing concerning Timothy Brennan on 16 and 17 July 2018, Chief Regulator Officer of the British Horseracing Authority Brant Dunshea made the following statement:
“It is important for the confidence of those who bet on the sport that the BHA investigates cases such as this. This is a view that was supported by the Disciplinary Panel in their written reasons. .
“It is also important that, where there is evidence that corrupt activity has taken place, the case should be placed before an independent Disciplinary Panel to determine whether – on the balance of probabilities – a breach of the Rules had been committed. This fair process has been followed in this case.
“We will continue to bring cases in front of the independent Panel where we believe there is a case to answer. The sport’s reputation depends on this.
“Regarding the jurisdictional issue, we note the Panel’s view that an improvement to the wording of the Rules might be required to ensure that all of the appropriate people are bound by the Rules of racing. We will now consider their findings on this matter before determining how to proceed.”
Notes to editors:
You can read the summary and full written reasons from the independent Disciplinary Panel here.