Changes to the Rules of Racing – March 2025

24 Mar 2025 BHA Features Integrity Racing/Fixtures Welfare

The following changes to the Rules of Racing have been approved by the BHA Board and come into effect on the dates specified below.

The Rules have been amended following consultation and engagement with relevant stakeholder groups, including the National Trainers Federation (NTF) and Professional Jockeys Association (PJA).

The update also provides further clarification and reminders about some Rules that are already in place or have been announced previously and are soon due to come into effect.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any queries about any of the below changes, please contact: [email protected].



Intra-articular injection stand down

The Running Requirements Code has previously stated that a horse must not be administered with any intra-articular corticosteroid within 14 days of a raceday.

This has now been broadened so that intra-articular injections of any substance (i.e., not just corticosteroid injections) must not be administered on raceday or on any of the 14 clear days before.

This change, which has been supported by the NTF’s Equine Welfare Panel and the BHA’s veterinary group, will come into effect on Saturday 12 April 2025.

Paragraph 7.1 of the Running Requirements Code will be updated accordingly.

Prohibited shoes on the racecourse

The BHA is currently consulting with trainers and other stakeholders about revisions to the shoeing Rules, in particular to clarify the position around the use of shoes with studs.

We will update you as soon as these changes have been finalised. But in the meantime, we would like to remind trainers that shoes with significant protrusions that may present a safety risk for horses or riders will not be permitted for racing. These include, for example, horseshoes with trailered heels.


Following agreement with the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA), from 1 January 2027 the use of bisphosphonates (BPs) will no longer be permitted. This is due to significant welfare-related concerns with the use of BPs.

We will be in touch in due course with additional guidance in the lead up to the introduction of the total ban of BPs, but in the meantime we would advise you that, due to erratic excretion times, the use of bisphosphonates in the period leading up to the total ban should be avoided where possible. Further guidance is provided in this BHA Notice.

As a reminder, under the current Rules BPs are not to be administered to horses at any time before the horse is aged four, or on Race-day or any of the 30 clear days before if aged over four.

Please see the full BHA notice of the upcoming change.

Use of Clenbuterol

We would also like to remind you that the Rules will shortly be amended to reflect updated requirements regarding the use of the beta-2 agonist clenbuterol, following agreement on regulation of its use by the IFHA.

The updated requirements, which will be fully incorporated into the Rules of Racing from 1 April 2025, are set out in this BHA notice.

Clenbuterol is considered a Category A Substance and is prohibited at all times unless prescribed by a veterinarian as a bronchodilator at the appropriate dose and not exceeding two courses of treatment within any six-month period. See the BHA notice for full requirements.

The BHA would however discourage the use of clenbuterol unless it is considered absolutely necessary, given the risks of cross-contamination and the time it takes to pass through the system (i.e. withdrawal time).

Paragraph 1.3 of the Prohibited List Code will be updated accordingly.



Black Type Elimination Sequence

Following unanimous agreement from the Racing Committee, the Black Type Elimination Sequence has been updated to incorporate penalties and sex allowances into the base handicap ratings of runners in Class 1 Flat and Jump races to create an elimination rating.

This means that any sex allowance will be added to the handicap rating for fillies and mares and any applicable penalties will be deducted from a horse’s handicap rating to determine the rating used for elimination.

Paragraph 21 of the Black Type Elimination Sequence will be amended and the changes will be implemented from the beginning of the 2025 Flat turf season (Saturday 29 March) and 2025/26 Jump season (Sunday 27 April).

Two-Year-Old Novice definition

The definition of a two-year-old novice is being changed to better support the overall programme by encouraging more two-year-olds to enter handicap company in the latter stages of the Flat season.

From the start of the 2025 Flat turf season, a two-year-old novice will be defined as any horse that has not had more than two completed runs, except if it is yet to win a race under the rules of a recognised racing authority or is a two-year-old and the race is before 1 July.

This means that a two-year-old who has completed three or more runs and won a race will no longer be classed as a two-year-old novice from 1 July onwards.

The changes to the two-year-old novice definition will come into effect from the beginning of the 2025 Flat turf season (Saturday 29 March).

Jump Novice definition

Horseracing Ireland (HRI) has announced the introduction of a small number of ‘Academy Hurdle Races’ for the 2025/26 Jump season. These are similar to National Hunt Junior Hurdles in Britain, where the winners of these races are not precluded from competing in novice hurdles the following Jump season.

To support the development of young National Hunt Stock across both Britain and Ireland, this protection will also be applied to the winners of Academy Races in Ireland, who will therefore be able to compete in British novice hurdles the following season. However, Britain will not reciprocate the maiden status that HRI is offering to its own winners in Ireland.

The changes to the definition of a Jump Novice will come into effect from the beginning of the 2025/26 Jump season (Sunday 27 April).

Walk overs

In the rare event of a walk over, the remaining horse in the race will no longer need to be ridden across the finish line to be declared the winner.

This change is designed to reduce the overall impact of a walk over and remove the additional requirements placed on participants.

Paragraph (F)23 will be removed from the Rules accordingly.



Stable Employees Code

The wording of the Stable Employees Code has been adjusted to confirm that trainers must ensure new employees are entered onto their Stable Employee Register on the same day as joining the organisation.

The addition of the timing for the requirement provides clarity to the existing Rules.

Registering new employees as soon as they start is a vital requirement for their eligibility for the Racing Industry Accident Benefit Scheme (RIABS).

Paragraph 2 of the Stable Employees Code will be updated accordingly.



In agreement and with the support of the PJA and NTF, the number of winners a Flat Apprentice and Jump Conditional need to ride before losing their 5lb claim has been extended by 10 winners (from 50 to 60 for Flat Apprentices and 40 to 50 for Jump Conditionals) to help further support the development and progression of young jockeys.

This change will apply for Flat Apprentices in races on and after Saturday 29 March, and for Jump Conditions on and after Thursday 1 May.

The revised claim structure will be:

Jockeys’ Weight Allowances in Flat Races

  • 7lb until they have won 20 Races
  • 5lb until they have won 60 Races
  • 3lb until they have won 95 Races,

 Jockeys’ Weight Allowances in Jump Races

  • 10lb until they have won 5 Races if they are a Conditional Jockey riding for their employing Trainer
  • 7lb until they have won 20 Races
  • 5lb until they have won 50 Races
  • 3lb until they have won 75 Races

Any riders who have previously ridden out their 5lb claim but have not won a further 10 races since will return to claiming 5lb. For example, an Apprentice who has had a total of 55 Flat winners and is currently claiming 3lbs will revert to 5lb for a further five winners until reaching 60. The claim will then reduce to 3lb until they have ridden 95 winners.



A reminder that changes to helmet standards in training yard and on racecourses come into effect on 30 June 2025.

The BHA is working with trainers, stable employees and jockeys to provide support about which helmets do and do not comply with the new Rules.

We have arranged a series of tagging sessions, which trainers and teams are encouraged to attend. The next of these take place at the following locations:

  • Wednesday 26 March, 12-2pm, Oaksey House (main open space), Lambourn, RG17 8XS
  • Wednesday 26 March, 12-2pm, Jack Berry House (Boardroom), Malton, YO17 7EY.

There is no need for each member of staff to attend these sessions with their individual helmets; someone from the yard can bring all helmets for checking, which should hopefully make things easier.