The BHA can confirm that it has issued charges against Licensed Trainer Hughie Morrison as follows:
1. Is Mr Morrison in breach of Rule (G)2.1 of the Rules of Racing by virtue of the fact that nandrolone and its metabolite, 5a-estrane-3ß,17a-diol, both Prohibited Substances pursuant to Rule (G)16, were found in a urine sample taken from OUR LITTLE SISTER (IRE) following its run in The Betway Marathon Handicap Stakes (Class 6) at Wolverhampton racecourse on 14 January 2017?
2. Should OUR LITTLE SISTER (IRE) be disqualified from the race, pursuant to Rule (A)74.2 Ground 3 of the Rules of Racing?
In accordance with the BHA’s normal practice of assisting a Trainer in circumstances such as these to establish the source of the administration, the BHA has carried out all reasonable enquiries it can with the full cooperation of Mr Morrison.
The charges will now be considered by a Disciplinary Panel. Anyone with information in relation to this matter should contact the BHA by calling RaceStraight, our confidential helpline, on 0800 085 2580 or by visiting All information will be treated in the strictest confidence and the identity of any caller will remain anonymous.
Notes to editors:
1. Nandrolone is an anabolic agent and is, therefore, a Prohibited Substance under paragraph 1.2 of Schedule (G)1, of the Rules of Racing. A horse must not have been administered an anabolic steroid at any point in its life and therefore anabolic agents are prohibited at all times. There are currently no veterinary formulations containing nandrolone that are licensed for use in horses in the UK.
2. Nandrolone is a naturally occurring substance in male horses (other than geldings) but not females. For that reason there is a threshold level for the metabolite estranediol for male horses (other than geldings) but this does not apply in this case as the Horse is a filly. The Horse should not have any amount of nandrolone in her system.
3. No studies have shown nandrolone or its metabolites to be endogenous in geldings or non-pregnant female horses.
4. The hearing will take place on 19 & 20 December 2017. Media will be allowed to attend this hearing, further details on this will follow in due course.