“The British Horseracing Board today published the Code of Conduct for Jockeys’ Sponsorship, which will regulate the Jockeys’ Sponsorship Scheme when it is launched on 1st February 1999.
The Code sets out comprehensive information on the branding sites available and explains the racehorse owner’s right of non-participation in the Scheme.
Jockeys will be able to offer potential sponsors the following branding sites:
* Jockeys’ Breeches (both legs) – high site: 32sq inches coccyx site:10sq inches
* Jockeys’ Clothing – neck site: 6 sq inches (not permitted in cases where an owner has sponsored silks)
A jockey will be able to keep all revenue generated from his or her sponsorship activities under the Scheme. The Jockeys Association of Great Britain are continuing to seek a single group sponsor to cover all members. The JAGB have indicated that if such a deal is secured a proportion of the income will go to other racing related organisations.
All registered racehorse owners will be able to decide on an annual basis whether to allow any jockey riding for them to wear sponsorship logos on the designated branding sites. This decision, which is reviewable annually, applies to every horse owned by that individual. A decision by an owner not to participate may be revoked at any stage during the year.
Every owner has been sent an information pack explaining the operation of the right of non-participation and how this can be exercised. To register this right, an owner needs to have completed and returned the form enclosed in the pack, to The Jockeys’ Sponsorship Desk at Weatherbys, no later than Friday 11th December 1998.
Current owners who do not register a right of non-participation by this date will not be able to do so until the year commencing 1st January 2000.
Tristram Ricketts, BHB Chief Executive, commented:
“”We are delighted to progress the introduction of such a creative Scheme which has received the full and unqualified support of the organisations directly involved. We are grateful to all those who have assisted with the development of the Code in particular the ROA and JAGB. BHB continues to commend the Scheme to owners and hopes that they will be fully supportive of it.””