Earlier this week, as part of our resumption planning, we published a compulsory online education module – COVID-19 information for participants of the racing industry.
The module provides racecourse attendees with a baseline understanding of COVID-19, social distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene, racecourse protocols and PPE requirements.
This must be completed by all racecourse attendees prior to their first attendance at a raceday from 1 June. Access to the racecourse will not be granted until it has been completed.
The module is available to complete now via the Racing2Learn website, which is free to all users.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed the training and for the feedback we have received regarding the module itself and the Racing2Learn website.
To support industry participants who have not yet completed the course, we have developed a user guide, which will hopefully address any questions you may have.
If you have any additional queries regarding the course, or experience any technical issues with the Racing2Learn site, please contact: [email protected]