International runners in British Races
The BHA has confirmed that from Monday 15 June, all Pattern and Listed races in Great Britain will be open to international runners.
Internationally-trained horses and individuals transporting them will be able to enter Britain, but entrants must comply with relevant UK Government rules, and BHA’s guidelines and operating procedures for racing behind closed doors.
UK Government rules
The UK Government is introducing new rules regarding international travel to Britain, which take effect from Monday 8 June and will be reviewed regularly.
At present, there will be no travel restrictions on individuals arriving in Britain from the Republic of Ireland, although we note that the Irish Government has 14-day quarantine measures in place for those returning or travelling to Ireland.
For countries outside the Republic of Ireland, anyone arriving in Britain from Monday 8 June must observe a 14-day self-isolation period – although exemptions are in place for hauliers transporting horses.
BHA guidelines and operating procedures
In addition to the normal rules and testing requirements for international runners, all competitors will be subject to the BHA’s guidelines and operating procedures for behind closed doors fixtures.
In particular, our pre-raceday checks require all overseas attendees to declare their date of arrival in Britain, and they may also be required to provide supporting documentary evidence to confirm this declaration.
For further logistical assistance with travelling to and from Britain, we would suggest that participants contact the International Racing Bureau at https://irbracing.com/contact/.
Operational update from the Independent Judicial Panel
Following an initial statement published on 1 April outlining a number of temporary changes to the way the Judicial Panel will operate, the independent Judicial Panel has today issued a further update following the resumption of racing.
Since 1 April, the Judicial Panel Chair, His Honour Brian Barker C.B.E. QC has heard cases alone. Henceforth, hearings will now be heard by three-person panels as was the case previously. The Judicial Panel Chair will continue to sit alone for fast-tracked cases, as has always been the case.
Hearings will continue to be operated remotely via Zoom but will now be open to the media, subject to those wishing to attend reading and agreeing in writing to follow a new media protocol developed for remote hearings.
Finally, the initial three-year term of the Judicial Panel members appointed in in the summer of 2017 was due to come to an end at the end of May. Following approval from the BHA Board, their terms have been extended for a further three-month period to the end of August due to the current situation and resulting difficulties.
Cases which are evidentially straightforward and which may risk causing distress or uncertainty for participants and as such the participants wish them to be heard will continue to be prioritised for the time being, with as many cases as possible continuing to be dealt with through the fast-track procedure.
Those who may incur fines will continue to have the ability to defer them for at least six months, unless they wish to pay. All fines will be reviewed again after six months if appropriate, and payment plans can be created to minimize the financial impact. Suspensions will now be served in the normal way.
1. More information about the Judicial Panel can be found here.
2. The operational update published on 1 April can be viewed here.
3. The media protocol can be viewed here.
Please note, the BHA Judicial Panel is an independent body which encompasses the Disciplinary Panel, Appeal Board and Licensing Committee. It receives administrative support from the BHA via the Judicial Panel Secretary.