“THE British Horseracing Board is contributing £100,000 to a new charity, EMERGENCY RELIEF FOR THOROUGHBREDS, set up by the Racehorse Owners Association (ROA) to cater for former racehorses found to be suffering from neglect or ill-treatment.
The charity has been launched to provide all who follow racing – who owe so much to the racehorse – with the opportunity to give voluntarily and tax-efficiently to this most worthy cause. Contributions have already been received from the Levy Board, ROA members and from some of those who attended the ROA’s AGM in July.
This initiative comes after a year of monitoring by BHB, the Jockey Club and the ROA of the incidence of welfare cases amongst ex-racehorses. Racing has been encouraged that only a handful of cases emerged and the necessary veterinary treatment and keep costs have been met by BHB. However, there is no room for complacency.
ìTo relieve the suffering of retired racehorses and for the treatment of sick or neglected or ill-treated horses by providing funds to organisations and individuals working towards this objective.””
BHB Director Andrew Parker Bowles, who has reviewed the need for welfare provision on behalf of the Board, said:
“”BHB recognises that Racing has its part to play in dealing with cases of neglect or ill-treatment of former racehorses which unfortunately arise from time to time. BHB warmly welcomes the ROA’s initiative and has agreed to make a substantial contribution to EMERGENCY RELIEF FOR THOROUGHBREDS. It will be for the trustees of the new charity to decide how to distribute their funds.””
ROA Council member and ERT Trustee, Paul Locke, said:
“”The ROA has had discussions with many bodies and individuals with good ideas on this subject, and we will continue to consult with them “”
Brigadier Parker Bowles also revealed that the system for notifying Racing of possible welfare problems has been improved. A new 24-hour telephone answering service has been set up to direct reports straight to the Jockey Club’s Chief Veterinary Advisor, Peter Webbon. Mr Webbon will be responsible, in co-ordination with the ROA’s charity, for following up any reports and taking any necessary action. The new number is 01279 777203. This will be widely circulated to all equine charities and horse racing organisations.
Brigadier Parker Bowles further announced that on 14 January 1999 a special meeting will be held under his chairmanship for all interested parties to debate the options for racehorses at the conclusion of their racing careers. Further information will be publicised nearer the date.
Editor’s Note
The charity’s registered number is 1068092.