Terry Doherty: What it means to win the Godolphin Stud & Stable staff award Employee of the Year 2017

As the nomination deadline for the 2018 Godolphin Stud and Stable Staff Awards approaches, 2017 Employee of the Year 2017 Terry Doherty explains more about his work as Stud Manager at Watership Down and why it is so important to nominate for the prestigious industry awards.
The racehorse is a package of dreams and aspirations from the very first breath and some of us are lucky enough to be involved from the beginning.
I have been fortunate enough to earn my living not just doing a job for work, but living for my work. Starting way back in 1979, as a young man who loved country life and being outside, I could not have chosen a better career path. Although my father was far from happy, I stuck to my guns and worked on the adage ‘find something your good at and stick with it’.
Watership Down Stud started as an idea twenty five years ago and coughed and spluttered into existence through the hard work and drive of Lady Lloyd Webber and Simon Marsh. Within a few years, we started to get the rewards from that determination to succeed.
We have a small team of eight dedicated staff who each contribute a great deal to the success of the Stud. Everyone choosing to build a working life around horses shares the same goals and it is wonderful to walk past a stable and see a groom stood eye to eye with a mare saying the sweetest of things never heard by anyone other than loved ones or children.
When you look into the eye of a new born foal, then rear that horse to go into training you would think ‘job well done’. It is however quite something else to look into that same eye four years later knowing she is a champion and with you for a whole different purpose. You can look into the eyes of her offspring and relive that very same dream.
When I won the Godolphin Stud and Stable Staff ‘Employee of the Year’ Award, and held that wonderful silver trophy, it was only then I felt a very different pride, and realised the people behind every horse to race have given not only their time but the care and dedication that makes all racing possible.
I truly believe these awards are the biggest thank you to all those people who have a passion for horses within our industry.
It is this passion that drives them to work as hard as they all do. It is not the hardest thing in the world to nominate someone you feel deserves it but by doing so it could mean everything in the world to them.
The nomination period closes on Tuesday 21 November and is available to trainers online via the Racing Administration website. Breeders, owners, colleagues and managers can also download a nomination form via www.studandstablestaffawards.co.uk.